
Angular 2 Social Login Script


Social Login Script for Facebook, Google, LinkedIn

It is often required that, a user register’s or sign up to login to a particular website or application. It is a tedious job to fill those long forms with user basic details. To avoid filling long forms, Cuppa Angular 2 OAuth provides a module to login using social OAuth services like google OAtuh, Facebook OAuth and LinkedIn OAuth. Using this your application will be able to recieve basic details of the user from social networking sites and you can store in your application environment.

Getting Started


Cuppa Angular social login script is available as an npm package ng2-social-login

   npm install ng2-social-login


  • Import CuppaOAuthModule in your app root module.
      import { CuppaOAuthModule } from './cuppaOAuth/cuppaOAuth.module';
        imports: [
          CuppaOAuthModule  // this is the cuppa oauth module 
        declarations: [
        providers: [],
        bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
      export class AppModule {
  • Secure your app routes by applying the AuthService on your routes canActivate property.Import AuthService in app router module before setting the canActivate property with AuthService
import { AuthService }          from './cuppaOAuth/auth.service';
const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: '', 
    component: LoginComponent },
    path: 'login', 
    component: LoginComponent },
    path: 'admin',
    component: AdminComponent,
    canActivate: [AuthService],
    children: [
        path: '',
        canActivateChild: [AuthService],
        children: [
            path: '', 
            component: AdminDashboardComponent 
    component: ProjectsComponent, 

  imports: [
  exports: [
  providers: [
export class AppRoutingModule {}
  • Now, it’s time we place the cuppa auth view, containing the login buttons. For example you have your login component where you want the cupp oauth to show the login options, place the cuppa-oauth tag there with config options as below
    <cuppa-oauth [authConfig]="config"></cuppa-oauth>
  • You login component class should have the config object as below:
import { Component }        from '@angular/core';

  template: `
    <div class="row">
      <cuppa-oauth [authConfig]="config"></cuppa-oauth>
export class LoginComponent {
   private authServerBaseUrl = '';
   private config = {
     "authEndpoint": this.authServerBaseUrl+"/auth/linkedin",
     "redirectURI" : ""
     "authEndpoint": this.authServerBaseUrl+"/auth/facebook",
     "redirectURI" : ""
     "authEndpoint": this.authServerBaseUrl+"/auth/google",
     "redirectURI" : ""

Once you have done this, you should see the login page with cuppa oauth login features.

Config Options

Property Type Description
loginRoute String The route to redirect when not logged in
authEndpoint String Endpoint to make a call to login the user. This is Oauth Server which generates the token for the logged in user. By default it points to To setup server in your environment follow steps in below section.
clientId String The client id of your application. You will get this once you create you application with any of the provider viz., Google, Facebook, LinkedIn
redirectUI String The route to redirect the user after successful login. Not: This should match exactly with the redirect URL specified at the time of application creation with the respective providers viz., Google, Facebook and LinkedIn.
NOTE : authServerBaseUrl is where the cuppa auth server is hosted. If you want to setup auth server in your local environment, follow the below steps.

API Methods

  • logout() - To logout the user from current session.
  • Example:
          import { Component } from '@angular/core';
          import { AuthService }      from '../cuppaOAuth/auth.service';
          template:  `
          <h1>Projects Page</h1>
          <button (click)="logout()">logout</button>
          export class ProjectsComponent {
          constructor(private authService: AuthService ){
          public logout(){

Auth Server Setup.

  • To run the auth server in your environment instead of follow the below steps.
  • Download auth-server.js from the github repository.
  • Open command line and change location to the file directory.
  • Run node auth-server
  • Server would start on http://:5000
  • Replace authServerBaseUrl with http://<yourhost>:5000 in your angular login component class config object.

Auth Server Config

  • The auth server needs a set of configuration options as below. All the options are self explanatory in themselves. Refer to Documentation to learn how to create facebook, google, linkedin apps.
    module.exports = {
    MONGO_URI: process.env.MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://<username>:<password>@<mongodb host url>:<port>/<DB Name>',

    Mongo DB Schema

var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  email: { type: String, lowercase: true },
  password: { type: String, select: false },
  displayName: String,
  picture: String,
  provider: String,
  provider_id: String

Locally Build and Run

1) Clone git repository.

2) Configure auth-config.js with your mongoDB environment details and app secrets.

3) replace authServerBaseUrl in login component with your environment details.

4) Run npm start

5) Go to http://localhost:5000

NOTE: When running in local environment, make sure the redirect URL should match with the redirect URL you specified at the time of creating app with respective providers viz., Facebook, Google, LinkedIn. you can add http://localhost:5000/admin as redirectURL.

Create Google Application

1) Visit Google API Console
2) Go to "Credentials" tab.
3) Select "OAuth Client ID"" from "Create credentials"" tab.
4) Select "web application"" option.
5) Provide your application name, URL of your app origin and redirect URL and Click Create.
6) On creating successfully, you will see the following screen with client ID and client secret.

Create Facebook Application

1) Visit Facebook Apps
2) Click "Add a New App" button.Fill the details and click "Create ID"
3) Select "Facebook Login" from product list and click "Get Started"
4) Provide redirect URL.</br></br> 6) On creating successfully, you will see the following screen with client ID and client secret.

Create LinkedIn Application

1) Visit LinkedIn Apps
2) Click "Create Application" button.Fill the details and click "Create"
6) On creating successfully, you will see the following screen with client ID and client secret.

Ahh !!! Now you are ready to make your app up and running.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Thanks to Font Awesome the library.


Pradeep Kumar Terli

Web UI Developer, Blogger, Thinker , Entrepreneur. Loves to explore technology with focus on web technologies.